Honor Humanity Inc. is an organization focused on increasing compassion for underserved communities.


Sowing Economic Ecosystems Designed For Symmetry

African couple owner fresh gracery organic shop

Advancing idea for food security in our most vulnerable communities


Our mission is to address the food apartheid in our communities.  We are intent on reestablishing habits that promote independence in our  disenfranchised and underserved neighborhoods. Nutrition is a key component to our advancement as a people, but proper nutrition requires a habitual commitment to eating right and doing so daily. 

About The Cause

There are only two grocery stores within the boundaries of Acres Homes. There are a number of “grocery stores,” “supermarkets” and “food marts” in the area but they are grocery stores in name only. In reality, these businesses are just convenience store. In 2017, 16.3% of people in Houston/Harris County reported being food insecure. Although below the U.S. rate and trending down, food insecurity in Houston/Harris County leaves approximately a million people hungry and at higher risk for chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression and high blood pressure. Approximately 38,000 Acres Homes Community members live within a food desert, and more than 3,000 low-income families without a vehicle live more than a half-mile from a grocery store. The community needs access to healthy foods and healthy snacks to overcome the food deserts and food insecurity in Acres Homes.


Program Overview

Phase One: Phase 1 consists of four 90 minute courses with an emphasis on educating the attendees on how to the nutritional benefits of growing fresh produce. They will be given indoor gardening kits that will assist them in learning the basics of growing their own vegetables.

Phase Two: The Ambassadors will be tasked with managing The Community Patch. The Community Patch is a garden where vegetables and certain fruits will be grown. We will locate suitable patches of dirt large enough to address the food needs of the community. Able bodied members of the community can only access the food in the garden if they participate in the activities required. Gardens do not grow on their own, there will be several tasks delegated to those who wish to participate.

Phase Three: Phase 3 consists of  developing a co-operative store in the Acres Homes community to sell the produce the attendees grow in the gardens. We will purchase land or apply for grants to build this store. We will employ returning citizens and students to manage the store with Acres Homes residents trading work hours for produce. 

Help Us Build Sustainable Communities

About Cause

Our primary focuses are food insecurity and food apartheid, total wellness, and environmental conservation.